Honey natural dessert with delicious and sweet taste

Honey natural dessert with delicious and sweet taste


Honey natural dessert with delicious and sweet taste

natural dessert with delicious and sweet taste.

Use of honey has been used since ancient times and the benefits of honey are also mentioned prominently in Ayurveda. For your information, let us know that honey is a fluid made by bees from the juice of flowers. It is prepared by bees after a long process in many stages. Honey in Ayurveda has the status of a medicine and now people all over the world have started using honey for sweetness. In the last few decades, many scientific research on honey confirms its benefits of honey in Ayurveda. Use honey in any form, it is equally beneficial for your health. Just before using it, make sure that the honey being used is real or adulterated, because eating adulterated honey can cause many health damages. People are always confused about the quality of honey. For your information, let us know that the real honey is very thick and when poured into the water, it does not dissolve easily but freezes at the bottom while the fake honey dissolves quickly in the water. However, this is not a definite measure to check the purity of honey.

Medicinal properties of honey : Talking about the medicinal properties of honey, it is considered useful in the treatment of countless diseases. This is the reason why honey has been considered a medicine since ancient times. In today's time, mainly people use honey to improve the skin, maintain digestion, increase immunity, reduce weight, etc. Apart from this, honey has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, due to which it is also very effective in healing the wound or providing quick relief from injury.

How to take honey : Most people know about the benefits of honey (shahad ke fayde), but people are confused about how to eat honey. For your information, tell that you can consume honey in many ways. You can eat one to two teaspoons of honey daily, or you can consume it by mixing it in milk. Apart from this, consuming honey with light lukewarm water on an empty stomach is considered very useful in reducing weight. Some people also consume lemon mixed with lukewarm water and honey mixture. Similarly, if you want to use honey for the skin or hair, then follow the methods mentioned below or use according to the advice of the doctor.

Honey natural dessert with delicious and sweet taste

Benefits of honey : In view of the benefits of honey, it has been considered as a nectar in Ayurveda. Honey from young children to adults is equally beneficial for everyone. Eating honey regularly increases immunity, which protects against many types of infectious diseases. Let us know in detail about the major benefits of honey.

Benefits of Honey for cough : If your cough is not curing for several days, then you should use honey. It is an effective home remedy to relieve cough. The antibacterial properties present in the honey prevent the infection from increasing and at the same time it dilutes the phlegm, which causes the phlegm to come out easily. Especially those who are troubled by dry cough get quick relief from honey. Intake method: To get relief from cough, you can consume honey in two ways. First way: Drink a spoonful of honey in lukewarm water before sleeping at night. It relaxes the mucus as well as provides quick relief from cough. Second way: Drinks prepared with ginger and honey are also effective in getting relief from cough.

Benefits of Honey for Burning and Cut : Using honey is very beneficial even if the skin is cut, peeled, or burnt. The antiseptic properties present in honey quickly heal the burnt area and also protect the skin from infection. Use method: If there is a slight scratch in your skin or if any part is burnt marginally, then apply honey on that part. It reduces irritation and prevents infection in that part.

Helps to lose weight, Uses of Honey for Weight Loss : If you are troubled by increasing weight or obesity, then you can lose weight by consuming honey. For your information, let us know that there is no fat in honey at all. Along with controlling weight, it also reduces the cholesterol level of the body. Therefore, consume honey regularly. Consumption method: Every morning on an empty stomach, mix one tablespoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and consume it. Do not eat anything for half an hour after drinking it. You can also add half a lemon juice to this mixture.

Helps to increase immunity : Honey has a high amount of essential antioxidants. The antioxidants present in it are very beneficial for the heart and protect against many types of diseases related to the heart. Apart from this, the main function of honey is to increase the body's immunity. Strengthening immunity power protects against many types of infectious diseases. Consumption method: To increase the immunity capacity of the body, drink one to two teaspoons of honey mixed with lukewarm milk daily. Drink honey in milk.

Uses of Honey for Constipation: If you are a patient of constipation, then understand that you are inviting many other diseases. The root root of many stomach problems is constipation. Honey reduces the absorption of fructose in the body, so you can use it to relieve constipation. Apart from providing relief from constipation, it also provides relief from flatulence and gas problem. Consumption method: To get relief from constipation, take a spoonful of honey in a glass of lukewarm milk before going to bed every night.

Honey natural dessert with delicious and sweet taste

Uses of honey : Benefits of honey is not only limited to digestion and immunity, but it also helps in improving the skin. Honey has properties that absorb the surrounding moisture and helps in retaining the moisture of the skin. People whose skin is very dry should use honey to keep their skin moist. Keep in mind that instead of eating it to improve the skin, it is applied on the skin. You can use honey in many ways for the skin. Here we are explaining some major methods of use: Use method: a- For those with dry skin: take a spoon of honey and apply it on the dry part of the skin. Let it dry for 15-20 minutes and then wash it with cold water. Use it at least three times in a week. B- To improve the skin: To increase the brightness of the face, you should use a facepack prepared with honey. Usually, face packs prepared with honey and lemon, honey and milk, honey and banana and honey and yogurt are more beneficial.

Uses of Honey for Hair : Due to the dryness of the hair, the hair starts falling fast. The use of honey increases the beauty of hair and reduces their dryness. The antioxidant properties present in honey are beneficial for hair. It removes free radicals and prevents damage to the hair by staying in the sun for too long or from any harmful chemical. Honey also provides proper nutrition to the hair. Use method: For hair you can use honey in many ways. A-Make a hair mask by mixing honey with curd and apply it on the hair. This provides nutrition to bad hair. B- Hair masks made of honey and eggs repair bad hair. C-a mixture of honey and aloe vera helps in hair growth.

Benefits of Honey for Acne : Xylose and sucrose present in honey reduce water activity and prevent bacteria from growing. Because of this, honey is very useful in removing acne. Use method: Take a small amount of honey before sleeping at night and apply it directly on the pimples and let it dry for the night. Next morning wash it with cold water.

Side effects of honey (Side effects of honey): Now you all have come to know the benefits of honey (shahad ke fayde), but do you know that consumption of honey can cause some harm? Yes, if you eat more quantity of honey than necessary or mixed with the wrong things, then you may have to face the loss of honey (shahad ke nuksan). Let us know what are the disadvantages of honey and under what circumstances or with which things honey should not be consumed. Avoid consuming excessive amounts: If you are consuming honey in normal food, then consuming one to two teaspoons throughout the day is sufficient and if you are using it as a medicine or for the skin, then consume and use according to the dose indicated by the doctor. Excessive intake can cause side effects of honey and may cause vomiting and diarrhea in some cases. 

Do not feed a child under one year of age: In modern medicine, it is believed that children below the age of one year should not be fed honey. This may put a risk of botulism in children. So if you want to feed honey to a child below one year, then first consult a doctor. Similarly, honey should be avoided on the skin of young children.

People who are allergic to pollen particles should avoid: If you are allergic to pollen particles (pollen allergy), then you should avoid the use or use of honey. According to research, people who are allergic to pollen particles, if they use honey, their allergy can increase further. People with sensitive skin should avoid: If your skin is very sensitive, do not apply honey directly, but make it thin by adding rose water or milk in honey and then apply it on the skin. A mixture of milk and honey is considered very beneficial for the skin. 

Uncontrolled blood sugar level: The question remains in the minds of many people whether diabetes patients can consume honey? Or is it more beneficial for diabetes patients instead of sugar? For your information, let us know that people whose diabetes is under control can consume honey as food. 

Consumption of honey increases the immunity of the body, which protects against problems caused by diabetes. But keep in mind that if your sugar level remains uncontrolled, then avoid consuming honey. Diabetic patients must consult a doctor before consuming honey.

Blood pressure patients: If you are already taking high blood pressure medicines (antihypertensive medicine), then keep checking your blood pressure daily while eating honey. 


Do not take equal quantity of ghee and honey: In Ayurveda, it is advisable not to consume the same amount of ghee and honey together. In Ayurveda, it has been placed in the category of against food. So do not consume equal amount of honey with ghee.

 During pregnancy and breastfeeding
: Although the benefits of honey are useful for people of all ages, but during pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should consume it in limited quantity. If you want to consume honey as a medicine, then according to the advice of a gynecologist.

 Do not drink by adding it in hot water
: While drinking honey mixed with lukewarm water, always keep in mind that the water should not be absolutely boiling and never boil the honey in the water because they also fall in the category of food against them. Therefore, always use honey with lukewarm water or normal temperature water. Now you have become very familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of honey. Nowadays, many brands of honey such as Patanjali Honey, Dabur Honey, Vaidyanath Madhu etc. are easily available in the market. You can consume any of these as per your convenience.

Honey natural dessert with delicious and sweet taste
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